From the archives: 8/16/21
Spark Academy of Advanced Technologies, a public charter high school located on the campus of Manchester Community College, has just received 1.5 million dollars as part of the five-year federal Charter Schools Grant. Poised to begin their third year of operation in September, this delayed startup money comes at a key moment for the school.
This Fall, third year Spark students will begin taking Early College classes with MCC, as they follow an Advanced Manufacturing/Mechatronics, Computer Science/Cyber Security, or Career Exploration pathway. Many of these students already have college credits under their belts through Running Start classes, and some of them have already earned professional SOLIDWORKS certifications as well.
This grant will enable Spark Academy to fully develop Extended Learning Opportunities for the students, after spending its first year and a half in existence operating under COVID-response conditions. This was a huge challenge for a brand-new school, and Denis Mailloux, the Director (Principal) credits his dedicated faculty and staff, as well as the response of the MCC campus, for getting the school through it successfully.
“Now we are equipped to start a whole new chapter here at Spark. Hiring a dedicated ELO Coordinator will allow us to open even more doors for our students, offering them a chance to explore more career opportunities with members of industry right here in New Hampshire,” continued Mailloux. “We would love to begin getting involved with apprenticeships as well.”
Spark Academy is looking for industry leaders who are interested in partnering with the school to develop their high school students into the skilled members of the workforce needed today. Those interested should contact the school for more information.
Spark Academy of Advanced Technologies is a public charter high school open to all NH residents. They will begin accepting applications for the 2022-23 school year in October or November.
