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Spark Academy



Kicking off vacation week, Student Council worked with Manchester Community College NH Student Life to gather donations and volunteer at the "Building Beds, Building Community" Event on Saturday 4/22. Students and families helped build beds for 30 local children so that they can have a bed of their own.

Second, the Robotics Team traveled with two robots to compete at the VEX World Championships in Dallas, TX, finishing at a very respectable midpoint in each of their divisions of 80+ teams. They worked all year to qualify for this event, where they produced competitive raw scores and showcased their skills well. Even more important, it was a great experience for the students and the first time at Worlds for all but two of them!

Finally, the first-ever Spark Drone Team (nicknamed "Odin's Ravens") competed at the Aerospace Robotics Competition at St. Anselm College. As the first NH-based team to compete, we are proud of their progress and they worked very well as a team. Click here to read the Union Leader's coverage of the event: h


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